Curious Coasts
Community Experiences
Brand Strategy,
Visual Identity,
Website, Brand film Concept
Editing Support : Ishan Chawla
Acting : Sarah Inaim
Curious Coasts introduces the wonders of tidepool ecosystems by encouraging individuals to explore rockpooling. The goal is to build the largest community of conscious rockpoolers, providing a platform for connection, sharing knowledge and conserving the marine ecosystems.
To welcome enthusiasts of all ages, the vibrant illustrative identity reveals the magic within shallow rock pools. The bright colours, detailed illustrations and textures are balanced with clean typography and ample breathing space in layouts.

Vision & Mission
Curious Coasts’ vision is to connect coasts from all over to world with the aim to explore and protect the marine environment.
Connecting coasts to create a future that cares.

The phrase 'Leave no stone unturned' embodies the idea of exploring every avenue to achieve a goal, aligning with Curious Coasts' mission to educate about rockpool ecosystems. Turning rocks is essential in rockpooling, unveiling hidden creatures and creating a gateway to a captivating world.

The shallow rockpools are homes to delicate creatures and the rocky terrain can leave deep cuts when in contact with skin. Together, we have crafted a line of wetsuits that prioritise durability, and sustainability and are carbon emission-conscious to encourage exploration, keeping you and the ecology safe. Join Curious Coasts and Patagonia on a sustainable adventure!

Gentle sustainable
wet suits for kids
Remember your summer trip to the coast with your parents, digging up the sand to find shore crabs and leaving no stone unturned while finding that hidden starfish? Take your kids rock-pooling so that they can have the most beautiful memories just like you do!

Illustration Style & Usage
Illustrations are stylized but stay away from too much abstraction. The illustrations form a big part of the identity and can be used in combination with background textures and can overlap with text to look free flowing in layouts.